cutting my commute in half.
My goals for 2008 aren't set yet there are a couple of things that need to happen before I decided how I approach this year. The first thing being if I win the lottery and get into The Leadville 100. I'm not putting much hope into that but you never know... Other races that stand out in my mind include the Laramie Enduro, possibly The 24 Hours of Targee and maybe Moab as well as the race I have yet to feel good about, LOTOJA. I think this year I may focus on endurance races and if possible the ICUP. More mountain less road.
Congrats on the new job. I also hate wasting time driving.
I mostly dislike LoToJa, but I admit that if I had a chance to do it, I probably would. There "no refunds and no transfers" policy when you're plunking down $150 in May really bugs me. I'm planning to do STP (Seattle To Portland) this year and while they don't offer refunds, you can transfer your registration for $10. Get a clue, LoToJa nazis!
I need to blog about my 2008 plans too - maybe today.
I've known a number of people who have transferred their registrations for Lotoja ... you just have to be satisfied having someone else's name in the results.
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