Friday, December 19, 2008


I guess there was some heckling, damaged bikes, and some shoving after the National Cyclocross Championships. I think this could be the shot in the arm that cycling needs. Do you think Vince McMahon could run USA cycling? Cycling already has plenty of conflict and drama.

The World Fighting Cycling Federation presents the rumble in spandex.
Competitors complete one lap around the track then 5 minutes in the ring.

The Fight Card

1 - "The Zion Shouting Match" who could forget the shouting match at the Tour of Utah between Marty Jemison and Prentice Steffen.

2- "Doping Free for all in the Octogon" - Forget getting his life back on track. Floyd Landis takes on all of WADA. Since he's probably also using steroids, and everything else imaginable according to the Onion? Floyd should have no problem taking on 4 or 5 people at the same time in this no-holds bared last man standing wins free-for-all.

3 - "The Main Event" - What else? Lance versus Greg . After the heated discussion at Lance's press conference. Greg Lemond makes another attempt and extending his 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately Lance is too busy trying to cure cancer to show up and just sends Johan Bruyneel to break some kneecaps.

Really though, do we need to see cycling turn into every other American sport where heckling athletes is the norm? It's not like Jonathan Page is making bank pursuing a career in cycling. So why hassle the guy?

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